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 ≈ mabel griffiths

Mabel Griffiths
Mabel Griffiths
les moyens des ambitions
les moyens des ambitions
≈ mabel griffiths - Page 3 IAeu3cF Présent
ÂGE : 34 ans (15.08.1990)
SURNOM : Bel, Bella, la Sorcière (par Maddy), Mab (par Rhett)
STATUT : Mère d'une petite Rosalie. Aiden a laissé les addictions gagner et est parti en laissant son cœur en miette derrière.
MÉTIER : Mannequin, Chanteuse, Actrice confirmée
LOGEMENT : Spring Hill, #516 Water Street, dans une jolie villa à l'abri des regards
≈ mabel griffiths - Page 3 DeeDiYs
POSTS : 13589 POINTS : 1240

TW IN RP : Alcoolisme (plus si ancien), anorexie, biphobie / homophobie, famille toxique, grossesse / maternité
GENRE : Je suis une femme
ORIENTATION : J'aime tout le monde.
PETIT PLUS : Allergique aux oranges ≈ Cache sous sa mesquinerie et ses piques une grande sensibilité qu'elle dévoile peu ≈ Accro à la caféine ≈ Donner aux centres aidant les queers, c'est un des trucs les plus importants qu'elle fait de son argent, et la seule chose sur laquelle elle n'appuie pas pour se faire de la bonne publicité
CODE COULEUR : Sème du drama en #76448A
≈ mabel griffiths - Page 3 IJLSMNz
Griffiths ∆ I don't know half of you half as well as I should like; and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve.

≈ mabel griffiths - Page 3 Pys8
Marceline ∆ This is the problem with having a best friend who is also your cousin, and has known you since you were born. She's always trying to stomp on your dreams.


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Lucas ∆ If I was dying on my knees, you would be the one to rescue me, and if you were drowned at sea, I'd give you my lungs so you could breathe



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≈ mabel griffiths - Page 3 F501Itp

Rory Craine ∆ Gayle Danbury ∆ You ?

≈ mabel griffiths - Page 3 TE1ToSv

≈ 2024 Jo#5Lucas#3Carmine#4Wild#1Abel#3Jo#6Marcel#9Marcel#10Lucas#4Marcel#11Jo#7Jo#8

≈ 2023 Rosalie#2Marley#2Jiyeon#2Isaac#3Rhett#7Lucas#1Marcel#5Marley#4Rose#3Marcel#6Mur collaboratif (Sujet commun)Marley#5Jiyeon#3Marcel#7Meryl#1Jo#1Abel#1Jo#2Carmine#3Marley#6Jo#3Abel#2Jo#4Lucas#2Marcel#8

≈ 2022 Rosalie#1Penny#3James#1Maddy#4Rhett#3Deklan#1Hassan#1Deborah#1Maddy#5 & Sergio#1Marcel#2Rhett#4Andrew#1Rose#2Maddy#7 & Marcel#3Penny#4Jordan#2Aiden#1Carl#1Millie#1Jiyeon#1Aiden#2Marley#1Maddy#8Carmine#1Rhett#6

≈ 2021 Jordan#1Maddy#1Rhett#1Rose#1Joy#1Amaya#1Isaac#1Rhett#2 ∆ Thanksgiving (Isaac#2, Maddy#2 & Penny#2) ∆ Maxine#1Maddy#3 & Marcel#1

≈ 2016 Penny#1

≈ 2015 Rhett#5Marley#3

≈ 2008 Niamh#1

≈ 2006 Maddy#9 & Marcel#4

≈ 2004 Maddy#6

≈ UA Joy#2NaNoWriMo 2021

≈ mabel griffiths - Page 3 XbPfgEP


AVATAR : Jennifer Lawrence
CRÉDITS : (Avatar by fassylovergallery ; Image signa by ghaniatreides ; Userbars by loonywaltz)
DC : Olivia Welch (Emma Stone) ∆ Poppy Leigh (Emma Myers)
Femme (elle)
INSCRIT LE : 13/10/2021

≈ mabel griffiths - Page 3 Empty
Message(#)≈ mabel griffiths - Page 3 EmptyDim 03 Nov 2024, 11:03

NaNoWriMo 2023
ton plus gros challenger, c'est toi-même
total de mots actuel : 38083 mots
total de rp : 65
palier en cours : palier #1 (10000 mots) (08/11/2023) / palier #2 (20000 mots) (16/11/2023) / palier #3 (30000 mots) (24/11/2023) / palier #4 (40000 mots) / palier #5 (50000 mots)

38083 / 40000

18079 mots - 29 RP

Carmine, we comin' in this game like some survivor's
- rp n°1 (570 mots)
- rp n°2 (417 mots)
- rp n°3 (492 mots)
Marceline, 'cause there were pages turned with the bridges burned
- rp n°1 (1083 mots)
- rp n°2 (628 mots)
- rp n°3 (1046 mots)
Jo, off the ground
- rp n°1 (454 mots)
- rp n°2 (714 mots)
- rp n°3 (840 mots)
- rp n°4 (1039 mots)
- rp n°5 (928 mots)
- rp n°6 (946 mots)
- rp n°7 (881 mots)
Aiden, fake is the new trend
- rp n°1 (590 mots)
Abel, i hate it when you're not around
- rp n°1 (420 mots)
- rp n°2 (420 mots)
- rp n°3 (424 mots)
Rosalie, i'm a monster on the hill
- rp n°1 (649 mots)
Meryl, everyone here is a trophy
- rp n°1 (534 mots)
- rp n°2 (425 mots)
- rp n°3 (483 mots)
- rp n°4 (354 mots)
Marley, everything's gonna be alright
- rp n°1 (705 mots)
- rp n°2 (762 mots)
Abel, i'll be hanging around the mistletoe, hoping to be kissed
- rp n°1 (649 mots)
- rp n°2 (649 mots)
Lucas, follow the sun
- rp n°1 (541 mots)
- rp n°2 (368 mots)
Lucas, there is a peace even in the storm
- rp n°1 (450 mots)

9056 - 20 RP

Kieran, i wanna do bad things with you
- rp n°1 (499 mots)
Arthur, preparation is the key to success
- rp n°1 (488 mots)
- rp n°2 (546 mots)
- rp n°3 (508 mots)
- rp n°4 (412 mots)
Corey, this is the skin of a killer
- rp n°1 (675 mots)
- rp n°2 (489 mots)
Tessa, le temps d'une rencontre
- rp n°1 (401 mots)
Abraham, witchcraft interrupted
- rp n°1 (366 mots)
Kai & Raphael, cinco de mayo
- rp n°1 (421 mots)
Kai, bright side of the road
- rp n°1 (409 mots)
Jiyeon & Kai, we're happy, free, confused, and lonely in the best way
- rp n°1 (387 mots)
Kai, the gatekeeper of my dreams
- rp n°1 (402 mots)
Kai, when you finally do decide to look back, i’ll still be there
- rp n°1 (453 mots)
Max, what doesn't kill me makes me want you more
- rp n°1 (532 mots)
Max, you'll find the real thing instead
- rp n°1 (379 mots)
Max, halloween is the only time people can become what they want to be without getting fired
- rp n°1 (397 mots)
Max, flew me to places i'd never been
- rp n°1 (515 mots)
Five, or death and all his friends
- rp n°1 (331 mots)

10948 mots - 18 RP

Channing, we ain't gettin' any younger
- rp n°1 (601 mots)
- rp n°2 (446 mots)
Cody, it is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men
- rp n°1 (677 mots)
- rp n°2 (639 mots)
- rp n°3 (595 mots)
- rp n°4 (480 mots)
Maritza, great meeting
- rp n°1 (501 mots)
- rp n°2 (685 mots)
- rp n°3 (654 mots)
Isaac, n'oublie pas que t'as toujours en banque quelques jours de chance et un peu d'espérance
- rp n°1 (704 mots)
- rp n°2 (704 mots)
Isaac, pages turn and stick to each other
- rp n°1 (467 mots)
- rp n°2 (359 mots)
- rp n°3 (597 mots)
Isaac, going to hospital is rather like going to an alien planet
- rp n°1 (685 mots)
- rp n°2 (742 mots)
Isaac, going to hospital is rather like going to an alien planet
- rp n°1 (1020 mots)
Laurie, this ain't a start but I'm actually changing
- rp n°1 (1020 mots)
Isaac, actions speak louder than words do
- rp n°1 (449 mots)

go go, NaNoWriMo !

gif 1 @robbiemargot - gif 2 @didi - gif 3 @userdarren
barre de progression @raelyn blackwell

I'm gonna, I'm gonna lose my baby so I always keep a bottle near me (rehab ; amy winehouse)

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≈ mabel griffiths

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